Here we go...5 weeks

I Dream of Summer!
Well, we are currently half way through our Spring Term here at good ol' Mercyhurst, and I am hitting the mid-term blues. It doesn't often happen, because I am always (and I mean AlWAYS) busy at school, but I am starting to get a little nostalgic for summer. I have yet to finalize summer plans, which is somewhat bothersome to say the least. As of now I will either be staying here in Erie and working for the Admissions Department at Mercyhurst, or working at my dream internship at Vault Communications (I choose THIS ONE). Either way, I know I am prepared to have a fantastic summer and really cannot wait for sunshine and warmth, which is sometimes rare in Erie!

Living on campus during the summer is really a wonderful experience and I would encourage anyone who is interested, to live here at least one summer while at Mercyhurst. Last summer I worked at the University and had a great time. Not only was I able to make money, but I was also able to practice living on my own...which sadly I will actually have to do one day (bummer)!

Vault Communications Logo
While I would like to be around MercyWorld this summer, I ultimately would love to work for Vault Communications! I interviewed with the company in January and am anxiously awaiting the results of the entire interview process. I am sure that a number of individuals applied for the position, so I really hope I was able to stand-out to the interviewers. The company is based in the Philadelphia Metropolitan area and working here would be an experience that would last a life time! Because I added Strategic Communications as a minor late in my education I am scrambling to get an internship within this field to boost my experience in this job place. I will report back as to whether or not I got the job, sense I know you all will be anxiously awaiting to hear!

I've taken the Easter break to think seriously about what I want to do in my future, and I have come to the conclusion that graduate school is a must! I know I're probably thinking after just completing 4 years of undergraduate studies, who in their right mind would want to go to grad school?! Well I do. And when I look back at my time at Mercyhurst there is one thing I regret not doing...and this may sound surprising because I have been blessed with so many opportunities. I have yet to actually study abroad. Yes, I've been able to travel abroad through school functions and sponsored trips, but after growing quickly attached to Mercyhurst, actually studying abroad hasn't happened for me. This being said, I have been thinking since I want to go to graduate school, and have yet to study abroad....can you guess it? That's right! I want to get my masters degree abroad!

I have looked at several universities and read different things about the programs that they offer, but one school definitely stands out. Newcastle University, in Newcastle, England, seems to be a perfect fit for me! The school is about 3 hours north of London in a port-city (much like Erie). The school even reminds me of a grown-up version of Mercyhurst. While I am just starting out in the application process I am very excited in the next chapter of my life, wherever I will be. Of course I will keep everyone updated on the happenings as they come. (Below is a video all about the town of Newcastle)

Until then make sure you Carpe Diem everyday!

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