Fall Term Is Ending!

It's crazy to think I am just a few short weeks, two to be exact, from finishing my final fall term at Mercyhurst University. Some of my best friends and I were on Homecoming Court which was a really great opportunity to partake in. In addition, I was able to present one of the Senior Class Gift ideas to the President of Mercyhurst, which again was really amazing. Senior year brings in change, but wonderful opportunities and adventures also drift in with the tides of change.

I am ready to end the term though, and finish-up all of the class work that is going on, because I have exciting plans for Thanksgiving Break. My friend Rhona is from Dublin, Ireland, and I will be traveling to her house for Thanksgiving...even though the Irish do not celebrate the holiday! I have been to Ireland once before, but I am really happy to be going back. We will also be accompanied by our friend Alyssa. It is a good group going and we should have a really great time. The really exciting thing about this trip is that we get to stay with Rhona's family the whole time. I have met her family once before, but I am even more excited to get to know them better!

If going to Ireland for Thanksgiving wasn't exciting enough, our adventure does not stop there! We are also spending four days in London! We are technically flying on Thanksgiving....which will be a bit weird, but I think it will be cool to not experience an American tradition for once, and see how the rest of the world goes on without celebrating it. We did talk about Alyssa and I cooking a "Thanksgiving Dinner" for everyone, but we will just have to see if that happens.

One of the days that we are in London, I will actually be taking a day trip to visit my possible graduate school in Newcastle, England. The flight is only about an hour and ten minutes, and I will only be gone for the day. I am happy to have the opportunity to visit the school. Many students who study abroad rarely get the chance to visit the school beforehand. Although my future decision are still up in the air, I am hoping that by visiting Newcastle I will have more of an idea of what I want to do with my future.

Well, that's all for now. I will make sure to fill you in on everything that happened on our trip, and of course I will upload tons of pictures!

Carpe Diem Everyday!

Senior Class Gift

One of the exciting ventures that being a senior brings along is the ability to serve on our Senior Class Gift Committee. This year I have the privilege of being the Public Relations and Marketing Coordinator for the committee. This basically means that I am the individual who designs the logo and is charged with creating all marketing material for the committee. I am very excited to serve on the committee and to see just how much money we can raise for our class gift!

The committee's main responsibility is to choose a class gift that will serve as the class of 2013's legacy on Mercyhurst University's campus. As a group we have developed about 5 viable options for possible class gifts. Some options included a greenhouse/biodome, MAC lobby renovation, all day breakfast bar, fire-pit, and a new alumni plaza.

While my personal favorite gift option is a greenhouse, mainly because it was my idea, I think all of the ideas presented would be really great additions to campus.

The next step in the process is presenting the top ideas to the administration of the University. Once they decide what the gift will be the committee will begin fundraising efforts to pay for the gift. This process teaches students the importance of giving back to Mercyhurst, the school which has given us so much. I cannot wait to see all of the hard work that this committee will do, and to see our class gift come to pass. I'll make sure to keep everyone up-to-date on the gift and fundraising efforts!

That's all for now,
Carpe Diem Everyday!

Senior Political Science Project Class

So along with being a senior political science major, comes the privilege of taking a very interesting and fun class called Political Science Project. (To learn more about the Political Science program at Mercyhurst University click here) This class is a distinct class for senior political science majors or minors, and hones in on a series of skills that we have learned throughout our political science classes while at Mercyhurst University. As a whole, the class is designed with the goal of each student completing a political memoir which serves as a senior thesis.

At first glance, I was a little overwhelmed with the idea of this class but our professor, Dr. Clemons teaches it in such a way that breaks the big project down into a series of smaller papers, so it is not too terrible. Alright, this may sound a bit strange, but our first assignment was to write an autobiographical obituary detailing your future life. It was surprising how much I learned about myself from that simple one page assignment. I realized that I knew much more about what I wanted to do in my future, compared to some of my other classmates. I also saw how much I have learned from my past political science classes, which was very reassuring.

As we continue on through other assignments, it will be interesting to see where my political science memoir progression will take me. If one things for certain, it is that the experience from past classes I have taken in the political science department at Mercyhurst University have really prepared me for my future. Whether that future is working for a private company, or public relations firm or directly working in political campaigns, one thing is for sure, all of my classes and experiences at Mercyhurst University have prepared me for real-world situations.

Below is a great video which talks about two of my favorite things, politics and social media, and it of course features students and faculty from Mercyhurst University. Check it out!

Carpe Diem Everyday,